Make a reusable test with React Testing Library

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Make a reusable test with React Testing Library

Abstract methods in RTL to be reused by different tests

It can happen to have very similar tests across our suites. In one of my recent examples, I had to test if the UI of the footer of the pages in the application was correctly rendered, depending on a prop change.

The footer consists only of a box with inside an SVG icon and a text. But those are white when we have a dark background, and dark gray when the background is white.

The logic is already in place, and the simple test steps would be:

  • render the page (component)
  • get the elements to check
  • check that the elements have the correct style.

The next -and boring- step would be placing this test inside each page test suite, and check for the color individually.

Instead, we can make a reusable test, like a normal function. We can put it in some shared.js file so it can be picked up anytime.

import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'

const testPageFooterWithColor = (renderPage, expectedColor) => {
  test('it checks that the footer is present and has the correct color', async () => {

    const footerText = screen.getByText('our footer text')

    await waitFor(() => {

    expect(footerText).toHaveStyle({ color: expectedColor })

export { testPageFooterWithColor }

Then we can import it in our suites:

  const renderCustomPage = () => {
      <CustomPage />,
      { wrapper: MemoryRouter },

  describe('our test suite', () => {
    ...our tests

    testPageFooterWithColor(renderCustomPage, 'white')

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